Monday, April 5, 2010

Dallas-slightly out of order

We woke up on this lovely Easter morning after our show in Oklahoma City with another wonderful couchsurfing family. We made some coffee, talked some religion, and were off to try and find a gold course on this, our first free day of tour. After driving around for awhile, we finally found the golf course, and it immediately became apparent that, even this public, half-yellow, half-green golf course was way too classy for us. So as quickly as we walked out in our ripped shorts and t-shirts, we filed back in the van and started the drive to Dallas. 3 hours later we started seeing strange looking signs, George Bush expressways, a plethora of buffets and more gas stations than I have seen in my life, and it was obvious we had arrived in Texas. We did what any band on the road, starting to let themselves go, really trying to watch their calorie intake, would do....we found the first Chinese buffet we could and promptly ran inside, only to slowly hobble out an hour later. From there we took the rollercoaster ride of interstate back to a $25 motel that we had found and setup our gear inside to practice. We practiced for about 2 hours and decided that it might be getting loud for our fellow patrons (we are like, super hardcore) and called it a night, which brings me here, sitting on the floor of the motel, typing this blog entry.
Boomer will be writing about Fayetteville in a bit here, so make sure to check for the latest from Boomer. Until then, enjoy some of the pictures that we have taken so far!

-Aaron E.

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