Friday, April 2, 2010

First Couple Nights of Tour

First of all, we are having competing blogs among the band....and by among the band I mean everyone vs. Boomer. So make sure to check for tour through the eyes of Adam Boomer.

Secondly: my post:

An odd, but educational way to start the tour. We showed up early to The Riot Room to see employees and patrons decked out in tattoos, spiked hair, and anything else you think of when you imagine running around a Sex Pistols concert. Since we only had 35 minutes to play we promptly wrote a set featuring our most distorted, loudest, finger shredding music. After our quick (and loud) set was up we talked it over as a band and were wondering why the now growing crowd didn’t seem particularly interested in our brand of hardcore.

We quickly got our answer as the night progressed. We watched the next two bands: one group featuring acoustic style bluegrass with a banjo and upright bass and the other, a pleasant sounding folk duet. We had just learned our first lesson of tour, which is to judge the venue based on everything, not just the giant red letters on the marquee and the slightly scary dude working behind the bar.

The night was in no way a loss however, there was a DJ on the outdoor patio and after several drinks we found ourselves being some of the only ones brave enough to dance (aside from the giant dreaded man who took a hard fall around 1:30 a.m.). After the show Mike Strong (a friend/love interest of Aaron and I’s from Drake) was kind of enough to have us at his house (thanks Mike). He cooked us up some delicious frozen pizzas and I slept on the most deceptively uncomfortable piece of furniture imaginable. Tonight, we head to Norman to creepily watch college girls from our van so keep reading…

Steven P.


  1. Watch out for those OU students. They still think Sam Bradford is "sump'n elss".


  2. Hey brothers and other band members! Glad to hear that you guys are having a good time. Can't say that I don't miss having you all stay around the house. Loved walking down to find Steven in the lazy boy, Aaron in my bed, and my pizza eaten. =]
    -Little Sis
